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Hello everyone, and welcome to my personal website!

I am a senior research scientist at Schlumberger-Doll Research Center and currently I focus on Machine Learning and Deep Learning applications to engineering problems in the carbon capture research and development.

I previously worked at IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center in NY, focusing on computational lithography modeling for Optical Proximity Correction in the development of IBM microchips.

Recently, I served as one of the guest-editors for the "Computational Intelligence in Antennas and Propagation: Emerging trends and Applications" in the IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation published late 2020.

Previously, I served as the lead-guest editor for the IEEE AWPL Special Issue on "Machine Learning Applications in Electromagnetics, Antennas, and Propagation" published in November 2019.

I am selected by my peers as a 2019-2020 Distinguished Speaker of the Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) for our machine learning paper presented at the 60th Annual SPWLA Symposium. I am also a Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE).

I also provided links to my projects in ML/DL, as well as to my published papers and open-sourced codes. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.


Zikri Bayraktar | PhD, MSM, CAPM, SMIEEE

Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar Zikri Bayraktar